We spent some time at the farm. It was a little warmer than I'd like, but fun nonetheless. 1 child was all over it. The other was pretty gun shy. I'll let you figure out which is which.
She pretty much hung like this the whole time. She was super excited about all the animals, until she actually saw them. She shrieked at the dog, screamed at the goose & hid from the goat...
The bunny, however, was right up her alley. Do you think she thought it was her blanket?!?
And just when I had given up on making her go 1 ounce outside her comfort zone, she went ahead & surprised us all by gladly holding the chicken. Pretty much par for the course with her so far, not sure why it is still surprising me...but she definitely keeps us on our toes.
More designs tomorrow! In fact, my new fave.
Post it right now. I wanna see!
Where is her shirt from? I need it for my girls ASAP!
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