"Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the aLord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."
This was the theme last year for the youth {ages 12-18} for all of the church & what better words of wisdom? Be strong. Be courageous.
And with that...I decided I liked this bit of 'sign' work, if you will. And soo, the FIRST 5 people {that are followers} that leave a comment with their email -- I will send you a digital file of it. And what the heck, if you want one, leave your email {by the 9th @ midnight} & I will pull a winner from the other comments.
and if you shouldn't happen to get it free, no worries, it will be up in my etsy shop for a mere $5, along with my Come What May.
I have recently been dealing with some major health issues and am recovering from a fairly traumatic surgery. People have commented on strength through adversity and this quote is one of my favorites.
You do such beautiful work and I would love to have this to signify the journey my family is going through.
Thanks for such a lovely reminder.
Amy....very nice. Actually, it is a wonderful scripture to remember on a daily basis. Yep, I learn so much when I have to teach, it does me good. Thanks for a dang cute visual for my Relief Society Lesson. Should I take the credit??? hehehehe
Amy...I love it! What a great reminder....I need to say this every morning...and every night! (Boston & Jackson's Grandma)
LOVE this!!! I'm a new follower. :)
So cute and it is so nice to see people sharing their faith. Wonderful talk.
I'm following.
Would love to have a copy! annettehoffman@verizon.net
I would love a copy. Thanks so much! ann littlemoonhawk@juno.com
I would love a copy. Thanks so much! ann littlemoonhawk@juno.com
Beautiful! I'm a new follower
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