I was so excited to get the call for Regan's wedding. There is nothing better than working on an invite for someone you know & love. Regan grew up next door to me, so I remember her best as a little girl with ponytails & bows. The bows eventually went away, but the ponytails stayed...as she went back & forth from school to soccer practice. Soccer is & was her life...junior high, high school, college, she's playing. I loved flipping through all her engagement pictures because she is so incredibly beautiful & photogenic. Shot after shot, I was stunned. I was used to seeing her in her soccer gear & there she was all grown up & getting married. Her husband plays baseball for the same college & I hear the calendaring for their wedding was a bit of a nightmare due to game & practice schedules between the two of them. They managed to find days that worked & I was so glad to be part of the festivities. Congrats Regan!
And onto the invitations:
Regan was easy to please - She liked clean lines & a modern layout, so we layered our typefaces & added some script to keep it feminine, but still simple.
love the gray & orange!
These were 5x7 & printed on Fine Art Linen paper.
To see her bridal shower invitation, go here.
Loved these. And you are right her pics were amazing. Beautiful girl.