Last weekend instead of calling on our usual babysitter for date night, we brought the kids along. Scoobs asks on a regular basis what we do on 'date night' and so this time, he & the Lady got to come.
It was the end of a long Saturday spent at soccer games & soccer parties & setting up the Alice in Wonderland baby dinner out was a necessity.
While the kids' idea was initially Chick-fil-a, I refused. We don't take them out to dinner often & yet I'd like to think we can & they will behave, but part of that is actually taking them & teaching them proper eating out etiquette...above & beyond Chick-fil-a.
And so we upgraded a bit.
and I have to say, they were delightful. Granted we've learned a few things on previous 'fancy' dinner nights out with kids in order asap. I've decided appetizers are a great way to have something show up quick to keep them focused & not bouncing off the walls. A table you can write on with crayons doesn't hurt either...
But etiquette aside, they were just plain fun. And I caught myself trying to soak up every little bit of them while it was just the two of them. They are buddies & were so happy to be out with mom & dad and it showed in the sparkles in their eyes. Kind of made my pregnant mother heart melt...and we all know, I am not a sentimental, heart melter.
But, they just seemed so grown up. Looking at the menu, hearing their options, choosing their own dishes, ordering them & then actually eating them? That is either a miracle, or a sign that they are indeed getting bigger & more experienced in making their own choices...probably a combination of both, but it was a heart melter.
I'm grateful to have this guy as my oldest, the big brother to them all. I come from a family with a brother as oldest & I loved it. He is the perfect combination of teacher, teaser, wrestler & care taker. Really, the things he makes his sister do, kill me, because it is just like my older brother. Teasing & taunting & then laughing & laughing. She is just thrilled to be thought of as a playmate. I loved hearing them interact throughout this dinner. Scoobs was more than happy to teach his sister the ropes when it came to which soda to order.
Dinner as a family of 4 is fantastic...and I'm glad we checked that off the list before we all get to love on this baby & turn into a party of 5.
So sweet!! And you look awesome!