
Monday, August 9, 2010

A Boy & His Bugs.

a picture is worth a thousand words. 1 word not mentioned in the above? the butterfly is d.e.a.d. it got closed into our garage, but that didn't stop scoobs from loving on it as if it were alive.

the caterpillars were this morning's treasure. the big fat one stayed curled up most of the time, but that little guy was a mover & a shaker. a while i did have to remind scoobs about 79 times that caterpillars do not belong in the house & i had an abundance of grass clippings drug in the back door. i loved every minute of it...even the tears when we finally had to set them free {i'm not sure the big one made it!}

and while i have complained in the past about summer resembling...oh i don't know...hell? i have to say this summer has been almost, dare i say, pleasant. the temps are still hot, but for whatever reason the mornings & evenings are not bad. enough for my kids to get outside...and for me to be willing to even join them. and thus, we've been able to catch bugs. and who would have ever thought that was something to look forward to? yeah, me either.

scoobs will be heading off to preschool soon & i am so excited for him to head out & bring home all sorts of new things to learn & talk about. he is a little sponge right now. asking me how to read & do all sorts of things. and while that will come in time, i am enjoying the fearless little boy who giggles with a caterpillar on his face, has dirt under his finger nails & obsesses over spiderman.

here's to catching bugs in the summer time...and the {nice} weather to even do it!


  1. so cute. so gross. the pics are darling, but i get the shivers imagining a bug like that on my face.

    i agree, this summer has treated us well. amen!

  2. that first one is a great picture. you could win at the county fair? I don't know where to enter photos into contests. :)

  3. Love, love, love the pics. When he's fourteen and too cool for life you'll love seeing those pics of a little boy lovin' being a little boy.
