
Thursday, August 26, 2010

He Cares.

For the last month I have been trying to get on a 'gym' schedule. And yes, it has taken a month. And no I am not there yet. My options are go at the crack of dawn {and by crack of dawn I mean before dawn has even cracked} or go some other time & haul my kids along.

In case you hadn't heard, the lady is high maintenance in some areas. And the gym kiddie corner {or whatever it is called} is a point distress for her. So much distress that they call me over the loud speakers mid-lunge to come retrieve her in her screaming red-blotchy faced state. It's awesome.

And by awesome, I mean so totally lame.

So I am back to my crack of dawn approach, which has its own hurdles. The first being, I'm tired. real. tired. Again, we head back to the lady. She has taken my 'i'm a morning person' sails & slammed them closed. I am so not a morning person anymore. Her sleep habits have put me through the ringer. So much so, that she, at 16 mos still gets a bottle in her crib at 5 am. Which after 9 months of middle of the night feedings & another 7 months of 5 am feedings, well, it gets old & starts to just wear you out. And in my case, it makes me cranky & over-obsessive about my sleep time.

But this morning, I committed. I committed to a friend to be there. She was even going to set my stuff up for me, so I for sure could not bail. And while I worried about leaving before the lady woke for her bottle, I got a nudge in the right direction when she cried out 3 minutes before my alarm was set to go off.

So I got up. And thought about how tired I was. And how I wanted to stay in bed. Then I thought about my friend setting up my stuff & I got moving. I made it to my car, turned on the radio & out came Black Eyed Peas 'I gotta a feelin...' and that is when I decided He cares.

And by He, I mean my Heavenly Father. He cares. Even about the gym. And realizes that I have good intentions & my desires to exercise are good. And I've kept at it for a month. And we both realize crack of dawn is not my first choice, but I am willing to sacrifice to achieve these goals. And while yes, I am still tired. He made it work for me this morning.

And if He cares about the gym & can make the lady wake at the perfect time, just think of the possibilities.

Today is going to be a good day.

And that feels good.


  1. love this. and good for you and your consistency.

  2. Woo Hoo! Welcome to the crack of dawn club. I promise you'll get used to it...and then you will appreciate that you can come home, be ready for the day and not have that "I need to workout" hanging over your head. Did you go to body pump? Sure love that class!!

  3. that's the first time i've heard of heavenly father working thru black eyed peas! haha

    so glad you came! if we all had it our way, we'd be sleeping in too. but busy people get the most done, and starting at 5:15am just gives us the upper hand.

    expect to be tired today. take a snooze if you can. i still nap in the afternoon too.

    you did awesome though. hope to see you there again!
