
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Costumes.

This week has been a blur & it isn't over yet...but here they are:
the costumes for 2011

the lady was originally going to be a dragonfly...all because i found the perfect fabric for said insect, which is probably not a good idea to just go off that. but alas, i did & then it donned on me that said perfect fabric was going to just look like black ruffles at night, as opposed to the iridescent delight that it actually was...turning from dark green to purple {in the light of course}. so instead she morphed into a 'fairy princess' which i think is so lame, because it doesn't meet or exceed my 'cool' or 'creative' meter. we {meaning i} am hoping to redeem myself next year. i have a few ideas already. should i put them to vote?
after some stiff negotiations, scoobs & i settled on a ninja this long as i made it green, he was on board. his first choice was to be the 'black ironman' from costco, which was 2 sizes too big {in its smallest size} and came with two right-handed gloves & a mask that did not stay on. scot bought it for him & i pretended for 5 minutes that i would let him actually don it on halloween before scot called me out on it, saying there was no way i was going to let him show up to my mom's halloween party in that. and he was darn right. and while i like to blame it on the fact that is was indeed too big, it was really the fact that it was store bought & a 1-piece not flattering.

and should you think i am a brat {really? we've already established that clearly i am} for insisting on making the must understand that i have some big shoes to fill. my mom made all my costumes & really, my sis-in-law managed to have all FIVE of her girls in darling, homemade costumes that were THEMED. yes. so no. the costco black ironman suit was not going to be showing up. no siree.

but next year, next year i may tap into my little brother's stash of fantastic costumes. i think scoobs is slotted for zorro if i remember the order correctly, that one should fit.

i best get me some zorro flicks & get scoobs hooked immediately...and for the lady? a senorita perhaps.

or my other thought {i guess i am opening it for a vote} was to grow scoobs hair out & have him be steve nash & the lady a little suns cheerleader.

and today as i was shaving my little bro's hair...we decided scoobs could be his 'mini me'

and there was another one...but that idea as left the building...can't remember it at.all.

1 comment:

  1. why are you so talented....I wish I could sew so bad..I guess I will just have to call you when I am ready to make my curtains!!! They look great!!!
