
Sunday, November 7, 2010

And the Winner{s} Are:

Yes that's right I said winner{S}, as in 2.

First, my apologies for not posting this yesterday. I knew it was bad when my mom pointed it out to me. Note to self: Don't have Saturday be the 'post day' next time. They are too busy!

Second, I had intended to use to pick the winner, but that didn't work out either. So you were all entered in a hat {or tupperware bowl} and shaken extensively by my assistant, Scoobs. Then he picked:

and I thought we were done. Until my second assistant {the Lady} was ticked she didn't get to pick a piece of paper. So I let her pick one too just to be nice...and then I thought, what the heck. You win too.
Merry Christmas.

Contact me at so I have your email address & we can get started.


For those of you who didn't win...don't worry. I have a few more freebies coming soon.

In fact, answer me this...what freebie do YOU want?

Think up anything you want...what party are you planning & what printable would make it easier?

I have a few ideas, but I want to hear yours.

Thanks for playing.

1 comment:

  1. I am always in need of birthday party invites for little boys. The latest one I am in the middle of planning is a Toy Story party. And a wedding shower coming up in May/June. Can't wait to see what is to come for freebies.
