
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2 Loves for the Day After Valentines.

This post probably would have been more appropriate for yesterday, as opposed to my Redbox run-in but...


It is not often that I try 'new' products.  I get what I always get & that's that.  Even when what I always get doesn't always work like I want it too.  Sometimes I am just not up to figuring out what to get instead. 

And my floors have been suffering in silence for too long.  Some of you may remember a long ago post {so long ago I am not even going to pull it out of the vaults} regarding mopping techniques.  Like how the heck to you get rid of the streaks???  And then the footprints???  They drive me crazy.

A lot of people pointed me to the steam mop.  And by a lot, I probably mean you.  $100 and a year of hatred later it randomly broke...not breaking my heart in the process because now I was forced to get something.  5 hand & knee mops by yours truly later found me at Wal-Mart by myself walking down the mop aisle.  I was there getting groceries & decided to just buy something for the interim.  Because I was still avoiding the task of figuring out what exactly my solution was going to be.

Long story long...I picked up this bad boy.

Yes.  That's right I call my mop bad boy.  Try not to be jealous of our relationship.  But I love this thing.  I will not say it delivers 'streak free' but what does?  nothing.

Here's what I love...It is easy!!!  Who would've thunk those words would escape my mouth in regards to mopping.  But 4-year-old son can do it successfully.  Which makes it really easy for me!

So you fill up the 'water bottle' thing with whatever solution you want to use.  Which I love because I use one that smells good.  Which was something that always bugged with the steam mop.  I mean, the smell is the dead giveaway to my husband that I've been working real hard & for him to appreciate appropriately.  Then you pull the trigger, it sprays, you wipe.  It's small & easy to get in & out, so I actually use it more. 

So that is item one that I am loving & thought you should know about.

Item two that has found permanence in my pantry:

I love me a good salad.  And by good I mean chock full of non-salad things & coated with a sugary dressing.  My friend prepared a salad at a shower that included these & it was love.  They remind me of the Asian Chicken Salad at Nordstrom Cafe, which is always a good thing.  They have a home in my pantry & are giving me lots of excuses to throw together a salad.

Seriously.  I never thought I would throw together a salad just for myself, but when these are included {okay & the dressing is already made & sitting in the fridge...cause bottled dressing just doesn't work for me} then I am 'throwing' salads together left & right & then letting myself feel good for eating 'healthy.'  It's a win-win.

Pick them up & enjoy!


  1. I have been looking for a mop my kids can use (I am still off the hook for mopping for a while, Yay!)
    I will be sending out the hubs for this sucker very soon.
    Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Uuum. Since when are fried wontons healthy? Ha ha. Can Dr. Pepper be healthy too. Pretty please.
