
Thursday, February 24, 2011


You are probably tired of looking at Kevin...but I promise, this is the last picture of him for awhile!  This past week I spent 4 days in Utah skiing, skiing, skiing with my dad & 2 brothers {and hanging with my mom}.  I have to say I was a little nervous that I would even be able to keep up with them.  It has been 3 years since I have strapped on skis.  3 years people!  And admittingly, I sat out the last day, but otherwise, I think it is safe to say, I kept up & loved every second! 

Oh man, did we time our trip right -- which is fortunate, because we did not go over a weekend, which is unusual.  We got there during a storm, had 3 days of clear & left right before another storm.  Oh I have never enjoyed such snow!  At times we found ourselves in over our powder.  Seriously, there were some hilarious moments!  I think my dad & I are tied for the most random & hilarious biffs in serious powder.  One time I could not even get up because I managed to get my skiis crossed & I couldn't untangle them in all the powder...not to mention I could hardly see with all the snow.  Don't worry that Kevin boarded right by me without a backwards glance.  typical.  Thank heavens for another kind soul who came to my rescue as I had zero leverage to get myself up.  And it didn't help that I was laughing my head off at myself.

On this trip I learned a few things.  One I really missed my family.  I mean I was with my family, but I missed my own little family.  I wished Scot was there with me because he loves it as much as I do.  So I spent many a chilly lift rides figuring out how we could have a cabin in the snow & how quick we could get all our kids skiing so we could all do it together all. the. time.  Because skiing is really fun people.

Scoobs has actually been asking to go skiing, which I find bizarre for a 4 year from the desert, but of course love. And while I have not wanted to take him & give up my own ski time to teach him, I realized I was wrong on that front.  It is funny how that shift happens.  Once I was there on my skiis thoroughly enjoying myself my first desire was to see him on skiis enjoying himself...even at the sacrifice of my own skiing preferences, which does not include the kiddie hill.  I kept seeing these little tykes out there & I couldn't help but wish I had Scoobs with me loving all the powder...because, he. would. love. it.  And that makes my heart so very glad that he loves those things.  He makes all those experiences so much richer & I am already scheming a way for another ski trip before spring hits!

Can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had such a wonderful time! I grew up skiing and can't remember the last time I went. Husband was a member of ski patrol at Vail once upon a time and sorely misses the sport. We need to figure this out and pronto!
