
Wednesday, February 9, 2011


As many of you know, my oldest is a boy. And with that comes, superheros, mud, dirt, crashes & loudness. Betcha didn't know all that was included in that little bundle, but rest assured, it is & then some. Not included: anything cute. Just try finding something that carries that same cuteness as girls when it comes to boys. Nope. You will not find it. Not even at Pottery Barn Kids {although they are unmatched for boys & cute} You still will not find oodles of things to hang in their rooms, or a valentine that is not smacked with some awful character & a cheese ball phrase.

And so, with a Valentine party at school tomorrow staring me in the face, I wondered what I could do that I thought was cute, but that he would find acceptable as well.

And while I am not sure he will find this acceptable {I will surely convince him otherwise!}...this is what he is passing out along with a little bag of hershey's hugs & kisses.

Simple. Easy. and don't tell...CUTE!

If you want one for your boy too -- become a follower & leave a comment with your email & I will send you the 'print file' which does not include the 'sign here'...that is for you to fill in!


linking up: here.

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