
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Babhelorette Chat.

I know. I know.  I said today was going to be for Megan...but we have to interrupt this Grad parade for a little Bachelorette Chat.

I also know that Bachelorette is classified as 'smut.'  But I can't help myself.  I really tried this season to not tune in & then I heard all the chatter & my sister promised that Ashley wasn't too annoying & so here I am.  Tuning in every Monday, with my mom, sister & Hailey {my favorite self-claimed 'socially awkward' person}.  Really you should know she is not socially awkward & can make me laugh so hard I pee my pants on a very regular basis.

So to the Bachelorette.  My thoughts, in no particular order:

- Is it me or is the dancing thing old?  I'm not a dancer, nor can a tell you anything about it, but I'm going to go out on a limb & say she probably wouldn't get a ticket to Vegas on SYTYCD so why do I care?  Although I get it...dancing is easier to work into a date than a teeth cleaning.  And what guy really looks good dancing?  Makes for good tv.

- Ben C....stop. talking. now.  He has them over-the-moon in love in a unrealistic portrayal of marriage after a flash mob.  He said it...not me: "In that moment, I decided this is the kind of woman I could spend the rest of my life with." um.  Dancing a flash mob just pushed you over the edge into that ever-lasting love that you went on. and on. and on. about?  Pretty sure you're going to be disappointed with those expectations & measuring sticks.  Just sayin.

- What is with the roast?  Of course she is going to end up crying.  Of course Bentley will console.  Of course I will want to poke my eyes out.  And what's with all the hating on small boobs?  They have their perks...pun intended.

- William's punch lines are funny, but the delivery needs some serious help.  And instead of running around LA - just man up & apologize & then tell her you thinks she fab.  end of story. 

- Blake got it just right & why aren't we seeing more of him?

- How come Ames is still here?  Did you see him at the rose ceremony?  Of course you green  circa Germany 1940's?  I have never liked that color.  Even if it comes from JCrew...I'm not buying it & neither should he or you for that matter.  He really has to nail the dress part all things considered.

- Bentley.  Not even going there.  dot. dot. dot.  gag. gag. gag.  Can Bachelorette tapes be used in custody hearings?  I hope it is all an act because who wants to deal with him in real life?

Sorry guess I went there.

- If I'm Ashley watching this is my anger directed towards Bentley or the producers.  ouch. 

- ah JP.  He's my favorite.  My sister & I decided he's the Ryan of Trista's season {yes...we've been watching that long} -- good hearted, quiet, solid.  He even said the right thing to her when she was on the verge of breakdown...'no you'll be alright.'  Yes.  And finally Ash gets a dig to Bentley: JP wins in the kissing department. 

- Ashley...listen to Chris Harrison:  He is telling you what's up.  I wish he would also tell you what's up with what you're wearing.  1 sparkly item, if you must, but that's it.

- I was hoping solar panel boy was going to be cute...looks like he might be annoying or a cheese ball.  bummer.

- And...Why aren't there more cute guys?  Not loving her sampling.


  1. ha are so addicted to this show..thats ok, i kind of like it too!! And JP is my favorite by far!!

  2. oh my heck woman I am loving all of this it is so how I feel! JP is by far my favorite, I hate bentley but love the name, I am done with the whole dancing thing (I was telling my hubby this yesterday not like he cares), and she wears far too many belly shirts for my taste are we in the 90s? Oh how I love/hate the bachelorette!

    A mommy's life...with a touch of YELLOW

    please come say hi and vote for my pic on facebook so I win thanks a bunch

  3. oh, the monday night drama is so so good. bummer bentley checked out so soon, someone else is going to have to step up the creepy to keep this season alive!
