
Monday, June 27, 2011


Today it is 115 degrees.  Yesterday I was here with the Lady in 70 degree weather {don't worry I didn't have her in a jacket in 70 degrees...this pic was taken first thing in the morning & it was chilly!}.  That is a 45 degree swing in temp.  eek.  I'm glad to be home, but sad to be so dang hot!  Over the last 10 days, I spent over 30 hours in the car with both my children & no husband.  It was crazy...crazy fun.  I'm glad I went.  Even more glad that my mom spent 25 of those hours with me in the car.  Good times.

More pictures to come & lots of blogging to catch up on!

But tonight?  I will be front & center with the Bachelorette.  can't wait.

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