
Sunday, July 24, 2011 the Sand.

To say we had fun at the beach this year is an understatement.  A big one.  I started to look forward to our annual trip about 6 months ago, in the dead of winter, when I realized our kids would both be at great ages & a pregnancy was not on the horizon.  Every other year, I was pregnant, had a newborn or a 1 year old.  That was not the case this year.  It has been a long time since I have been so foot loose & fancy free.  Diaper bag???  What's that?  The traveling was easy.  The feeding was easy.  The sleeping was easy.  And the fun...well that was easy too.  It has been so fun to soak up this summer with my kids & enjoy them being kids without weight of a baby or pregnancy.  Really...all you mom's know what I am saying, right?

And the kids?  Well they did not disappoint.  They were so very fun & are turning into great little travelers!

Could you just eat her?  She loved to put her toes in the water & run from the waves.  She could live in the sand & asked to be buried multiple times a day.  I think all 4 of her bathing suits are ruined from the sand.  oh well.  Money well spent.

This guy never.quit.  Ever.  All the other kids 5 & under sacked out on the beach at least one afternoon.  Not him.  He was going.going.gone by the last day.  He rode his own bike along the boardwalk to the doughnut shop this year & did awesome.  He was pretty proud of himself. 

He also learned the 'art' of body boarding this year.  His famous words?  "Mom, where's my board?  I'm gonna go catch some waves."  What 4-year-old could be more fun??

Making his way out... 

with all the big kids... 

taking some falls... 

and catching some waves.
I can't tell you how many surfers stopped to ask him if he was okay or needed help as they came in. 
 I have to admit he looked pretty little out there.
As always...his skills were pretty impressive.

We all know little girls have cute bathing suit bums...but this little guy managed to pull one off too...and by little guy, I mean Scoobs.

I think I gained 10 pounds eating doughnuts at the pier every morning.
Calories & time well spent.

Until next year...