
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Stamp it with Style

As you may have picked up in my passing comments I'm working on a couple of different weddings right now and as such, I've been scouring the internet for ideas & inspiration.  My new favorite thing?  Stamps.  In case you haven't heard, I love a cute envelope.  And just as I was noodling over stamps...I got this little gem in the mail.  I knew I was friends with her for good reason.  Look at her stamp!

go to to check out how you can have your picture on a stamp too.

And while I love the pictures, I might love the vintage stamps even more.  sigh.  I love the stacking & coordinating of colors & themes... 

What's not to love right?  Doesn't it make you want to open up that envelope & devour whatever is inside?  Yeah.  Me too.  My only thought was where the heck do you get vintage stamps that you can still use?  Don't people buy stamps to mail aren't they already used?  Guess not.  Check out this etsy store & start salivating over all the options!  I mean...who knew?  Just think...vintage Christmas stamps!  It makes me a little giddy.  I just have to convince husband that that is a very reasonable use of funds!  yeah right.

And while I am not sure vintage stamps are going to make the cut for these is another idea from of my favorite wedding paper suppliers. 
Check out all their themed much better than that forever bell from the post office.


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