
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Christmas Cards 2011: Ribbons

I love a good picture on a Christmas photo card -- like really love.  So when you have a great picture -- capitalize on it & make it the entire focus of your card.  This was one of my favorite family pictures from last year.  One I like the peeps in it {hi Amy!} and two, I thought the colors & location were just a little different from the norm.  I also like the angle of the shot.  The photographer {who was not my sister...but not sure who} was right on their level but further back, giving you the aspect of the pavers in the forefront. 

So again, when you have a great picture, make the picture your entire card.  This ribbon could be rearranged in color & wording a million different ways, but hopefully you get the idea. 

Here are a few other cards that focus on the picture that we've received over the years.  Excuse the pics, I just snapped them with my phone.

I love this new baby shot!  Keeping it simple with the red & white is so perfect because it allows you to focus on those babies!  These are my cousins kids & his wife is quite the photographer.

She did it again with this great shot last year.  I love the little kissing pic up top.

This is my old boss & his family...they are some of my favorite people, not to mention a great looking family.  So I guess what I am saying is when you are all this good looking, just send me a picture of your mug.

More ideas tomorrow.

Time for cartoons & breakfast.

This was what was happening yesterday morning at this time {7am!}:
Today?  It was a sword fight at, you guessed it, 7 am.
Try not to be jealous.

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