
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

I feel like I am just coming out of my Christmas haze.  This weekend was a complete whirlwind of activity.
On Saturday {Christmas Eve} one of my brother's best friends was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  And that is a whole separate post.  My brother & dad spoke, my mom hosted an Open House afterwards, then we cleaned up & did Christmas Eve dinner & the family talent show and then got ready for Christmas morning.  Needless to say we were all tired & the fun hadn't even started yet!

Christmas morning found us at my parent's house.  You are probably wondering when I am ever going to grow up & do my own Christmas...and the answer is next year.  I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas morning at my parents.  I love being there & the added bonus of my parents & Kevin make it so much more fun.  I hate the transporting of gifts {like really detest} & the sleeping over with kids that won't sleep.  This year,  I am happy to report they actually both slept was just my pregnant self that did not.  So it is a trade-off.  But this year was Kevin's last Christmas before he leaves on his mission.  So to mother's house we went & I am so very glad that Scot & Scoobs insisted we be there instead of home by ourselves.

Something that I have come to learn these past couple of weeks since my brother has been home from school over Thanksgiving & Christmas is this: Scoobs adores him.  And by adores I mean is within 6 inches of him at all times, in all places.  And even moreso, I've realized they are actually the same person, in two different bodies.  Scoobs competitiveness?  Kevin too.  Scoobs size?  Kevin too.  Scoobs sarcasm?  Kevin too.  The list goes on & on & on...which actually makes my life pretty darn easy because I feel like I have a good handle on what to watch out for & what to not worry too much about.

Back to Christmas morning.  My kids were really fun this year.  A few hi-lights:

The Lady slept with our Baby Jesus 2 nights prior to Christmas so she could be sure he was well taken care of -- pretty sure she'll be a big help when this baby comes.

Scoobs was worried to tears on Christmas Eve when I was tucking him in that he would be on the 'naughty' list.  Trust me...he had reason to worry with his smart mouth the week before!  It was so sad & funny at the same time!  Don't worry I was Mother of the Year & pretended like I didn't see any presents for him before he came in the room the next morning...

Scoobs was ticked that the Lady had the biggest present {a doll house}.  And he was like Ralphie on a Christmas Story looking for a gift about the size of a Nintendo DS.  Too bad it was hidden just for that reason!  He was pretty intense {shocker} about the whole thing, which made it all worth it.
pretty sure he was on the nice list this year.
And my favorite?  This little Lady trying on all her dress ups one after the other & then taking to the streets on her new tricycle. 
And while I know it is not about the presents, hearing her ask, "Do I have more presthents?" with big surprised eyes & a little lisp makes those presents oh so fun.  Soon enough they will realize that the greatest gift of all was the birth of our Savior...

Merry Christmas.

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