
Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Favorite: Jingle Bugs

I am sure if your house is anything like mine, Christmas is in full swing & you are just trying to keep up?  Or am I the only one feeling dizzy by the amount of Christmas cheer oozing from my 4-year-old?  I still have boxes of Christmas decor to put up & more boxes of non-Christmas decor to put away {somewhere?}.  But one of the first things out of the boxes this year was this book:

I'm sure this cruddy picture is doing about zilch to inspire you - I promise to upload actual pictures to my Ink'd Facebook so you can see it in all it's glory, because it is glorious!  We read it multiple times a day.  It is a pop-up, so by next year, we will probably need to invest in a new one.  But at $8, who cares.  Full of pop up bugs hiding all over Christmas & phrases like, 'buggy Christmas toys' it is a winner...especially for the 7 & younger crowd.  

More pics on my Facebook page here.

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