
Wednesday, June 20, 2012


With Mister sleeping through the night, I've decided now would be a good time to try to get the last 5lbs know before I am beaching it in a bathing suit for 7 days straight.  That and I always always always feel better when I am running.  I hardly classify myself as a runner.  Meaning I don't typically sign up for races or events...and I don't aspire to run a marathon.  That might change when I have the time to pay attention to my training, but for now, it is just for the enjoyment factor...and so I can fit back into my jeans sometime soon.

And so, I awoke at 6 am after a not-so-great night's sleep.  I've been having the weirdest dreams I tell you, but that is anther story for another time.  I laced up my running shoes, grabbed my phone & my earphones.

I was hoping against hope that my earphones would work with my phone.  You see not too long ago, soccer season to be exact, my phone was casually tossed into the 'soccer game bag.'  Which is a glorified shopping bag.  You know the ones you pay $1 for?  Yes, that is my 'soccer game bag'.  It holds necessities like popcorn for the Lady & I to munch on during the game.  This time is also included a sippy of water that the Lady had prepared for herself.  I'm sure you can see where I am going with this.  The Lady in preparing her sippy, pulled a cup from the cabinet that Scoobs had unloaded from the dishwasher.  Scoobs does not put the little plastic things into the tops of sippies when he unloads...and so, her sippy, my 'soccer game bag' and my phone had an unfortunate run in.

Thankfully my phone still works.

Except for the sounds.  It rings & beeps for calls & texts, but that is about it.  No sounds on games.  No clicks when I capture a photo.  No iTunes.

And so now I have a problem when I run.  I got new running shoes that don't have the Nike+ chip in now my mileage tracker is on my phone...and my music is on my ipod.  I used to have my miles & music on my ipod.  I don't like carrying either when I run...and so this morning I thought I would try my headphones with my phone & Pandora app, thus eliminating my ipod.

I thought I was pretty clever...until the sound didn't work with my headphones either.

So on what I'd like to call my first 'official' run...I went unplugged.

And you know what?  I really liked it.

Part of my motivation in getting back in running shape is so that I can run while I am on vacation in the mountains & at the beach.  Is it dumb that I dream about running up at the cabin?  Dirt roads, mountain all sounds dreamy when I am in 110 degree heat.  The only problem is, it is only dreamy when you are in running shape.  Which I define as being able to run a casually run 3 miles with nary a problem.  I'm not in 'running shape.'

This morning though as I ran unplugged I noticed a lot of things I normally don't.  Like the fact that I was already on a dirt road...with a tractor driving by no less.  The sun was brighter.  The sky was bluer & the grass greener.

I am thinking I might be running unplugged more often.

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