
Saturday, September 8, 2012

House Stuff.

Do you ever wake up on a random morning, look around your house & realize you absolutely hate everything about it? 

Good.  Me too.

It usually happens to me when I realize people outside of 'my normal' are going to be coming in my space & I look around as if I'm that new person & notice every single flaw.  My chairs in my family room are too short for my ceiling height.  My entry way, is well empty.  I wish my cabinets were white, like everyone else's...or at least something other than what they are.  There are spit up stains on my carpet.  My kids' fingerprints are all over every single door jam.  My couch is ugly.  My kitchen rugs desperately need to be replaced.  And oh yeah, I have a freaking LoveSac in my family room.  Yes.  You read that right.

Some of you are probably wondering what in the world a LoveSac even is -- just transport yourself back to college & think of those big, huge, fluffy bean bag type chairs...yes, there has been one in my family room for the last 7 years.  No, I am not still in college, nor am I even in my 20s.

Sometimes, I hate my husband...mostly in instances where he insists on buying a 5 foot LoveSac when we are first married {see at one point, I was a really nice wife who just let these things happen!  I have obviously since learned my lesson.}.  Because you know those purchases just follow you around year, after painful year.  After a while your eye just gets used to the big brown blob in the corner.  It is even a good place for your kids to wrestle & then you wake up & realize you are an adult living in a home, not a dorm & the family room is no place for a LoveSac.

So I moved it to my room, naturally.  And after finding Kevin's old Nintendo64 today Scoobs has been holed up in there all day playing DonkeyKong & Tetris...on the LoveSac.  Frankly, it looks pretty inviting.  So now what? 

I'm not sure having the LoveSac in my room with a Nintendo64 is quite what I was going for & in fact, I think it is worse than having it in my family room -- as it quite literally takes up my entire room.  Did you forget we own the 5 FOOT model...yes, I am 5 feet as well, so just picture me in a LoveSac form.  Furthermore, pairing the LoveSac with the Nintendo & having it ALL in my bedroom {you know, that place that is supposed to be a haven} while Scot & Scoobs talk strategy is making it really feel like a dorm...add some dirty socks, oh wait, got those & yep, my bedroom is now the dorm.

Try not to be jealous.

And go give your husband a kiss if he has not made you purchase a LoveSac.  I can't right now, because one, my husband DID make me buy a LoveSac & two, he's ditched his roommates & left the dorm tonight for the ASU game.

I'm starting to be alarmed at the parallels.


  1. you're hilarious. in fact, I noticed a lot of things about your house yesterday, none of which you mentioned. I came home and told denten that we needed you, badly. our house looks like people who have no design sense whatsoever just threw random stuff on the walls in random places and it was about time we had a grown up house like amy. he said to hire you. for real. so may I please make a consultation appointment?? I'm so not kidding. just promise you won't recommend any la-z-boy items. those are my love sacs...

  2. You say Lovesac, I say Futon. I feel your pain. My futon stares me down every time I walk upstairs and into my loft. It makes me crazy and want to cry all at the same time.
