So my second batch of monsters were made because my sewing machine was already out...working on this bad boy.
We inherited this rocker from a neighbor & it was not this shabby, but then The Lady took to it & you can see the damage she did in time out one day. It was destined to be re-covered anyway, but I was just waiting around until I was pregnant again & knew the gender...both of which happened sooner than I anticipated! I was glad to get this eye sore out of the Lady's room & into a nursery...with a bit of a facelift in between.
Now, you know I mentioned in my monster post that I did not use a pattern. Well, much to my mother's chagrin, I again, did not use a pattern or too much fore thought, but instead, used my tried & true method which is: wing it. And then fix what you inevitably screw up.
So this is how I start. Spread it out. Think about it for 2 minutes & then start cutting.
I really just tried to allow myself enough for a seam allowance {of which I couldn't even tell you the measurement} and then I will also try to err on the side of 'too big' so I can take more out when I screw it up.
Happy to report, this seemed about the perfect amount. What can I say? My winging it method is getting better & better with each wing.
I sewed around all three sides of each of the cushions & then had to pin and hand sew the backsides {where the top & bottom cushions meet on the chair}. In my first wing it, I tried to actually sew that seam with my sewing machine. I broke a needle & had a really crooked & crappy stitch that I then had to un-pick & re-do. Turns out it is really hard to sew something that already has the cushion in it...unless you have a 2 inch seam allowance, which was a no.
My mom was really impressed with my handi-work & dare might I say, the speed with which I wing these little projects into existence. Although she laughed really hard when I showed her my initial stitch on the back -- it was bad peeps. I do not claim perfection & I did fix it, but this little diddy only took me an afternoon...which is all I am really willing to give.
The fabric was something I had on hand from a random night at Joanne's where I found it on clearance & bought the whole bolt...knowing it had a place somewhere in my house...Scot was less than thrilled with my thought process. It took about 9 months before it found a home on this chair, but I kind of love it & now my husband realizes what I a genius I am.
As for the foot rocker -- that fabric came from another project & just required a staple gun. My kind of re-covering. And yes, I realize the stripe should probably go the opposite way, but I didn't have enough to do it that way...and now I kind of like it going the way it does.
oh and the pics? Sorry, not the best quality...they are all from my phone.
while that machine is out... whip me up a monster or two! I'm completely impressed with your productivity these the last days!